Thursday, October 14, 2010

Theodosia's Magical Emporium

I heard the trailing garments of the night,
sweep through her marbled halls!
I saw her sable skirts all fringed with light
from the celestial walls!

I felt her presence, by its spell of might.
swoop o'er me from above,
the calm majestic presence of the night...

Oh, hello. Isn't it lovely here along Witch Lake? Are you going to V's for tea? Me, too. I just thought I'd pop by Theodosia's Magical Emporium since it's along the way. Come along, dear heart, you might find that missing ingredient you are in desperate need of.

There is only one rule in this shop each item must be paid by services bartered or with a trade. I got this crazy broom here last year. Theodosia called it a Firebolt. I call it a wicked good ride. She acquired it from some young lad named Harry that lives across the pond. It seems he up graded his.

I come here to gaze and adore at all the wonderful objects from near and far shores. the enchanted jewelry and charms to protect one from harms - she found these in a buried chest at Pumpkin Hill Farm.

Freeze-dried spiders from Hell Hallow that really pack a punch. Dragon scales that if ground can protect from evil spirits that cause ill. Jars of graveyard dirt and even a book of spells from the faerie world.

Door knobs from a haunted house, a Chinese gryphon's spell egg, mermaid's hair and pure vampire's blood imported from Transylvania.

Theodosia's prised object- a Chinese Fireball Dragon's Egg. It's been decorated for outrageous magical powers.

Oh, you must give her book collection a look. Spells, herbs, brooms, beasts and ancient Egyptian scarabs to say the least. A pumpkin teapot that never runs dry is always handy to have near by.

Her best had items are the never ending money bags that are hand sewn by a sexy old hag. Dried white roses for the perfect love spell and green Banshee tears to mend a broken heart.

Let me tell you, the mushroom charts are might handy - never can have too many of those. Roses that came from a fresh grave down at Dead Woman's Crossing. Dangling dolls to tuck in slips of paper holding your wished and desires.

A bottle of Happiness Elixir for those with a sad disposition. the freeze-dried mice are nice for boiling up potions that chase away that unwanted guest. Isn't that hand sewn wish box just dandy? I often put in my wishes for candy.

 The shrunken skeleton of Captain Horace from a dark Caribbean island. It is rumored that he asked too many questions and stole the native tribes ritual jewels.

Bottles of Blue Dragon's Blood, a few drops can extend your life or make you well. Theodosia says there's ground bones of an Egyptian mummy's dust in those large white jars. I've never looked the idea gives me the creeps because the mummy walked off and was then found at Skull Creek.

Oh, my, it's getting late we must fly over to V's magically creepy place. And as I flew away
 from below I heard Theodosia say,  "Glad you came by for a spell and be sure to tell you friends to fly by as well."

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