Sunday, December 26, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Do hope everyone had a great Winter Solstice and Christmas last week. Our's was wonderful and blessed! Solstice we found ourselves recieving a gift of a deer for the winter freezer and Christmas we found ourselves invited to our oldest son's house for Christmas dinner! It's about time someone else took this  task over. Now what we call  our busy season is over (October, November, December) it's time ot sit back, breathe and clean before we begin school next year. We home school year round beginning in January through December. It drives me nuts to try to keep track of half a year here and the other half the following year. Any whoo this is what we are munching through this week - -

steel cut oats with dates & walnuts, hot tea (x2)
buttered toast & hot cocoa
breakfast burrito, clementine
rice pudding, pears, hot tea
pumpkin muffins, hot cocoa
biscuits & gravy, clementine

veggie soup, crackers, apple slices, cheese stick
poorman's meal
eggsalad & crackers, carrot & celery sticks
Banana Protien fruit smoothie
left over baked beans, corn muffin
peanut butter & jelly, cheese stick, banana(x2)

penne with roasted vegetables & pesto, garden salad, whole wheat roll
baked beans sugared parsnips & carrots, corn muffin
roasted chicken, rosemary roasted potaotes, sauteed garlic& spinach
salmon cakes, baked sweet potatoes, green beans
roasted red pepper & carmelized onion pizza, garden salad
poched egg on sauteed mixed greens & whole wheat toast, baked apples
pork chop casserole, steamed broccoli

Have a brilliantly blessed week!

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