Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Fanciful Twist Halloween Party 2008

Come along my pretties and you shall see wonders of darkness and creepy delight. Step beyond my porch if you dare, a black widow spider is waiting for you there. Do you hear the cackling laughter high in the sky? Its time for the witches to arrive!

Rattle Bones Jim

and his stepbrother Ben Booregard will show you the way to the door.

Joy, oh, joy - wonders of delight this year
we're having two gathering nights.

Toss a nickle in the cup, park your broom,
and rub the pig for good luck.

Bats and spiders are our trusty pets but please
don't harm them if they give you fret.

Step into the my parlor and meet some friends.

In a bed of black glittered poison ivy is where you'll find my sisters - Broom Hilda, Millicent, Hazel, and crazy old Vie. Pumpkin Pete brought a late date Bessie Booregard. But isn't that Ben's old thing.... Oh my!

Be sure to watch out for the little ones who are drifting
around.Charles and Rosie are wide-eyed with excitement as
they spot what's in the chair over there.

Pick a treat if you are brave. Mr. Smythe is
very protective of his goodies from the grave.
Don't for get to visit the emporium while you are here.

To stock up on all your supplies and ware for your magical fare.
What will it be... werewolf hearts, flies, pixie hands, graveyard dirt, spiders or rats?

Perhaps scorpions, eye of newt, or broke butterfly wings? Are you in need of fairy wands for that special spell? Ours work really well.

A mysterious door with warnings galore, however if you feel the need to relieve yourself you'll have to brave what lies
beyond... the potty room door.

It's still early and there's plenty of time for more so come on around the corner to explore.

Did you remember to buy your new broom
for the new year this month?

Group photos will be taken in the out in the back forty inside the conservatory. (Just a note here- this is a copy of the last Halloween picture taken with my grandmother in 2003. It is has five generations in it. I'm on the back row in the middle.)

Maybe a trip to the wax museum is your thing.

Giggling Goober can't wait to dine.
He has an appetite for anything divine.

The diner is open with many eats and treats, however,
You'll have to come back because the cauldron is still a bubbling.

Don't forget to return on Monday and I'll have all the
wicked good eats and treat & recipes
from my family Halloween bash
that is happening Saturday night.


  1. How spookishly beautiful! Happy Halloween Party Day

  2. Oh, I've just been looking everyplace for fairie wands. So glad I stopped by!! I'm visitng from Vanessa's party, hope you'll come by and have a cupcake with me!

    Witchy Blessings,

  3. I was just hanging out over at a Fanciful Twist’s party and I thought I’d check out your blog! Love those decos!!!
